on Monday, October 13, 2008

Well I was really pumped tonight after meeting with the building council, the contractor and architect for the building of the youth center.  That place is going to be awesome!  I am really excited to be a part of such an amazing project that is really going to change the way Calvary does youth ministry.  God has placed me here at Calvary for a reason, a purpose and I am blessed.  I have come in at a pivotal time.  God has great plans for the other youth guy that left this summer and that is awesome.  From my side, it is really awesome to see how perfect God is.  I had been waiting for a long time for God to finally show the place to be.  He is faithful and led me to Calvary.  God wants me at Calvary for many reasons and I really don't know any of them, to be totally honest.  Nevertheless, talk about a pivotal time to come into a new ministry, not to mention my first (own) youth ministry.  I am blessed by the church, but most importantly the Lord of the Heavens, the God of creation knows all things and makes them good.  No matter how hard I could have planned for an opportunity like this at Calvary to be used for what God wants to happen, I could not have put it together.  God knows what is perfect because He is perfect.  That is why I don't know the perfect way for my life or my time, because I am not perfect.  Christ has cleansed me of everything that has kept me from God, Christ cleansed me of myself!  I thought I could do it all by myself, me.  I have died to myself and risen with Christ in His resurrection through my baptism and life.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Continue to do well.